Welcome Peanuts!

We are thrilled to announce that our (now former) gilt Pistachio gave birth to nine beautiful babies early Saturday morning!

As these things go we weren’t quite finished with preparations on her barn accommodations so it was game on when we noticed her nesting Friday afternoon.

Thankfully despite all the snow we did manage to get the barn stalls cleaned our and reconfigured, plus hog panel fencing up to divide the paddock outside.

1:30 am on the camera we noticed her back leg really moving and possibly a piglet having delivered. It was time to grab supplies and head out!

A fun plot twist is that as I flung open the door to race to the barn, I was greeted by three large dogs. As a reminder, we only own two large dogs. Somehow a dog that had been reported on social media to have been roaming earlier in the week, had found its way into our property!

I continued to the barn and yelled for Nick to deal with the stray dog. Which as you can imagine was super confusing as a dog getting inside our fencing has never happened before.

A newly delivered piglet and mom deep in labor greeted my in the barn. I rubbed the piglet down, nestled it next to mama and then proceeded to welcome the next 8. By 4 am she was completely done and the placenta had passed without incident. Way to go mama Pistachio!

We are now 36 hours in and all piglets continue to do well. It appears we have six girls and three boys.

Mama is also doing great eating and drinking with all the bodily functions working as they should. Her mammary glands are not as full as we expected so we are monitoring the piglets very closely and do have a call into the vet to see if there is any additional support we could be giving.

Nine pigs to eighteen, just like that!

These pigs will be ready for processing Fall of 2025. Email londonacrescontact@gmail.com if you are interested in a share. $7/lb hanging weight.


16 oz Rendered Lard Now Available